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20 June 2010

Dear CBS, sincerely me.

So, I was stalking the casts of Criminal Minds' twitters (not that it's what I do because I have nothing interesting to do with my life..) and I stumbled upon this tweet. I understand that a lot of you may not know Criminal Minds so I'm gonna explain about this a little, but if you want a full and clearer explanation I have inserted a link to a Wikipedia page of the show in the beginning of this post.

Criminal Minds is an American police procedural drama series by CBS. Season 5 has just finished and season 6 is scheduled to air on September 22, 2010. Basically this series is about the BAU team of FBI. BAU, or Behavioral Analysis Unit, is a part of FBI which provides behavioral based investigative and operational support by applying case experience, research, and training to complex and time-sensitive crimes, typically involving acts or threats of violence. Terjemahan singkatnya, BAU adalah bagian dari FBI yang menyediakan investigasi kejahatan berdasarkan perilaku dari pelaku kejahatan. 

The original characters of the series were:
  • Aaron Hotchner
  • Jason Gideon
  • Elle Greenaway
  • Derek Morgan
  • Dr. Spencer Reid
  • Jennifer Jaerau
  • Penelope Garcia
Lola Glaudini (Elle Greenaway) left the show during the second season after the sixth episode, followed by Mandy Patinkin (Jason Gideon) who left at the beginning of the third season. Paget Brewster and Joe Mantegna later joined the unit replacing Greenaway and Gideon as Emily Prentiss and David Rossi.

At first, I was crushed when Greenaway and Gideon left the unit because I was starting to love the show and I was beginning to feel comfortable with the casts. But the story why they left was so reasonable and realistic that I didn't automatically hate the show. When the replacements showed up, I didn't expect much. Karena saya takut kecewa karakter-karakter baru ini tidak akan sekuat karakter-karakter lama. Namun ternyata karakter-karakter baru ini malah memperkuat cerita dan menambah bumbu yang membuat acara ini semakin menarik.

Karakter pengganti Elle adalah Emily Prentiss. Emily adalah anak dari Duta Besar Ukraina utnuk Amerika. She's a strong and dependent woman who got in to the BAU without any helps from her mother. Her character is so important for me because she's one of a few women on television who is able to do a man's job and being respected for that.

Seperti yg kita ketahui, stereotip wanita di televisi adalah memakai pakaian minim, kemampuan otak biasa-biasa saja (kalau tidak dibilang bodoh), suka belanja dan bergosip, manipulatif, dan kebanyakan hanya sebagai objek dari tokoh laki-laki atau pemanis. Contoh: Quinn dan Brittany (Daria), Penny (The Big Bang Theory), Amanda Tannen (Ugly Betty)
Kalaupun wanita itu pintar, pasti dandanannya biasa-biasa saja bahkan cenderung kutu buku dengan kacamata, muka polos, dan biasanya jadi bahan olokan. Contoh: Daria (Daria), Betty Suarez (Ugly Betty), Leslie (The Big Bang Theory)

When I googled Penny's pictures, the suggestion that came up was 'Penny Big Bang Theory nipple.' Huh?

Leslie, Betty, Daria. Notice the glasses and ugly clothes? Sooo typical.

Kadang-kadang gambaran yg super basi dan klise itu bikin saya kesal. Memang tidak bisa ya, wanita itu pintar sekaligus cantik? Memang selalu harus wanita itu suka belanja dan bodoh? Karakter Emily Prentiss di CM sangat menyegarkan menurut saya. Gayanya memegang pistol tidak kalah gagah dengan pria, tapi saat bernegosiasi dengan penjahat ia tetap terlihat anggun. Jadi saya sedikit kesal saat tahu bahwa karakternya akan dihilangkan di season depan.

Satu lagi karakter wanita yang gosipnya akan dihilangkan adalah Jennifer Jareau atau J.J. Selain cantik, J.J. juga adalah anggota BAU yg paling normal (dalam artian, punya keluarga utuh yg sehat dan masa lalu yg biasa-biasa saja). Karakternya dalam CM adalah Media Liaison Officer. J.J. digambarkan sebagai karakter yg setia terhadap timnya tapi di sisi lain tidak menelantarkan keluarganya. Dia 'memanusiakan' timnya dengan kelembutan dan kesabaran karakternya.

Alasan CBS menghilangkan karakter J.J. dan Emily kabarnya karena masalah finansial. CBS rencananya akan mengganti karakter mereka dengan karakter baru oleh aktor yg lebih murah. Saya sebenarnya agak bingung dengan kebijakan CBS. Haven't they ever heard "Don't fix what is not broken"? Apakah mereka tidak pernah melakukan riset penonton? Karena setahu saya, Criminal Minds ditonton masyarakat banyak karena adanya J.J dan Emily. Membaca komentar-komentar yg merespon ttg kebijakan CBS ini, banyak yg menuduh petinggi CBS sexist. The don't appreciate male actors as much as they do female actors and that's why J.J. and Emily are going to be removed.

Television is a reflection of the society. Removing two of the most powerful women in television is a proof that society is sliding backwards. We need more smart women. We have had enough with women/girls who act stupid in order to look cute, or women who desperately dress so little to get attention *cough* Eddie *cough*, or adult females who continuously have sex with so many younger men *cough* Samantha *cough*, or girls who are naked on television *cough* Sookie *cough*.

Nice photoshop, Samantha.

Please think about it again. Removing J.J. and Emily will cost you a lot of viewers. Keep them! 

The way to fix it, given the likely need to control costs: ask Joe Mantegna to step down. With Morgan essentiall ascending to co-leader status with Hotch, the show doesn’t need three leaders. And it doesn’t even need Rossi to fulfill the mentorship role that he, and before him, Gideon, provided. I like Mantegna — a lot, but with Hotch reaching the middle of his career, he’s in a much better position to mentor Morgan (from Morgan’s point of view, Hotch has always been on the team while Rossi is a newcomer and somewhat distant). Without Rossi, the chain of command becomes more streamlined and, moreover, the level of experience that he represents is not lost because Hotch, who helped start the BAU, is still on the team. In short: Hotch is the team’s Rossi already.
Without Rossi but keeping J.J. and Prentiss, the team of both the characters and the actors is streamlined and, very significantly, a(n expensive) cast member’s salary would be saved in favor of keeping characters and actors who are far more essential to the show’s meaning.
CBS should rehire Cook for the full season (and the next) and give Brewster her full order, too. ASAP. Before they repeat the debacle of CSI. And they will. -Rob Jensen
It's one of the many comments responding to the rumor. And I fully agree with this man.  So, c'mon, CBS lords!!

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